Forspoken: How the Story Could Have Been Very Different

  • 20-02-2023 |
  • Rafael Lima

Forspoken is a brand-new action-adventure game from Square Enix and developer Fable Studio. It has been receiving praise for its unique story and characters, but according to the game's director, the original concept was very different.

The game's director, Mattias Lindblom, recently revealed that the game's story could have gone in a much different direction. Initially, the team wanted to focus more on the characters’ relationships and conflicts rather than the game's action-adventure elements. However, this approach was ultimately abandoned because the team felt it made the story “too complicated.” 

The team also decided to make some changes to the game's main character, Frey. Originally, Frey was going to be a much more cynical and jaded character. However, the team ultimately decided to make her more optimistic and hopeful, as they felt this would better fit the game's overall tone. 

Additionally, the game was originally going to be set in a much larger world. The game's director said that they had planned to have a large open world filled with various locations and characters. However, this idea was eventually scrapped due to the team's lack of resources. 

In the end, Forspoken turned out to be a great game, even though it ended up being quite different from the original concept. The game's director was able to successfully adjust the game's story and characters to fit the team's limited resources, resulting in a game that fans have come to love.